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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Full Color Stationary
Full Color Stationary color copies color laser printer Full Color Stationary color copies color laser printer Full Color Stationary color copies color laser printer Full Color Stationary color copies color laser printer Full Color Stationary color copies color laser printer Full Color Stationary color
Kamera Tembus Pandang yang ditakuti banyak celebritis
SEORANG wanita cantik telanjang keluar dari kolam berenang. Ia melenggang santai, tanpa terlihat risih berjalan mengitari kolam menuju kursi yang berjejer di tepian. Tidak lama berselang, gadis remaja berwajah lugu dengan postur bugil sedikit berlari melintas menuju kamar ganti usai berenang. Wanita-wanita yang tampak 'bugil' tersebut bukan orang gila. Mereka juga bukan kaum ekshibisionis yang gemar memperlihatkan tubuh telanjang.
Sesungguhnya mereka mengenakan pakaian renang. Namun, tubuh mereka jadi tampak telanjang hanya korban dari kecanggihan teknologi kamera tembus pandang yang terpasang di handphone (HP). Baju renang yang mereka pakai justru menjadi bahan sempurna yang dapat ditembus sinar infra merah. Handphone dengan kamera xray built-in itu memungkinkan para perempuan terlihat sia-sia menutupi tubuhnya dengan pakaian renang atau senam yang umumnya terbuat dari bahan sintetis.
Kamera tembus pandang! itu bekerja pada tinta, bahan-bahan sintetis seperti baju renang, baju senam, original silk (sutera asli). Tapi tidak berfungsi pada bahan lain seperti nilon, katun dan jins. Tidak ada sistem on/off untuk Xray, jadi HP tembus pandang akan selalu keadaan on, tetapi hanya berefek pada bahan sintetis. Target banyak terdapat di kolam renang, gym/fitness, pesta, dancer.
Tidak sulit mendapatkan perangkat 'nakal' tersebut. Bahkan dalam satu iklan yang terpampang jelas di sebuah situs internet. Dilengkapi dengan tarif modifikasi yang dibutuhkan untuk setiap HP. Biayanya, minimal satu juta rupiah untuk jenis Nokia 3660 dan Sonny Ericson K500. Untuk spesifikasi HP yang lebih canggih seperti Nokia 9500 atau XDA O2, diperlukan biaya sebesar dua juta rupiah. HP akan dirombak total, karenanya lupakan garansi jika kelak HP bermasalah.
Peminatnya tidak sedikit. Menurut Edu, penjual peranti tersebut, peminat HP tembus pandang berasal dari berbagai kalangan. "Harganya! kan tidak terlalu mahal, tetapi yang beli memang punya niat jahil betul. Tiap hari ada saja! yang beli," tambahnya sambil tertawa Menurutnya, kebanyakan peminat HP jenis itu memang laki-laki. Target mereka jelas, meneropong para perempuan yang di kolam renang umum dan tempat senam atau fitness. Karena di tempat itu, para kaum hawa memang menggunakan bahan pakaian yang memungkinkan untuk ditembus hingga ke permukaan kulit.
"Teknologi sih memang gila kalau dikuasai orang-orang yang tidak berakhlak," komentar pengamat teknologi informasi, Ono W Purbo blak-blakan, Jumat (10/06). Padahal, tadinya teknologi inframerah yang digunakan untuk menembus lapisan penghalang kulit hanya digunakan dalam teknologi militer.
"Teknologi itu biasanya dipakai dalam pengintaian malam hari. Secara sederhana, sinar infra red akan menangkap panas dari tubuh. Jadi, tubuh akan terlihat jelas meski dalam keadaan gelap," paparnya. Namun yang berkembang, teknologi semacam ini digu! nakan untuk hal-hal yang menjadikan kaum perempuan sebagai korban.
Adalah Kaya Spesial Optic, Inc, sebuah perusahaan asal Jepang yang mengenalkan produk yang disebut "Infrared See Through Filter PF". Perusahaan yang mengkhususkan diri pada alat optik selama 30 tahun itu memproduksi sebuah alat yang dapat menembus pandangan dibalik permukaan objek. Pada dasarnya, apa yang dilihat manusia adalah pantulan cahaya yang merepresentasikan bagian terbatas dari spektrum elektromagnetik. Ada syarat yang harus dipenuhi sebuah objek agar dapat terlihat mata manusia normal, yaitu panjang gelombang. Radiasi sinar nframerah tidak terlihat mata manusia normal karena panjang gelombangnya tidak memenuhi syarat. Plastik merupakan bahan yang dapat membelokkan radiasi inframerah masuk ke dalam klasifikasi gelombang terlihat.
Sementara baju renang dan senam terbuat dari bahan sintesis pabrik yang pada dasarnya adalah plastik. Akibatnya, jika sinar inframerah dikenakan pada permukaan sintetis, maka ia akan membelokkan gelombang sesuai dengan prasyarat mata normal. Selanjutnya, pantulan permukaan kulit dibalik baju berbahan sintetis akan terlihat jelas. Kebebasan untuk berenang di tempat umum atau berlatih kebugaran di pusat fitness menjadi terampas. HP yang dilengkapi dengan perangkat tersebut dapat digunakan kapan saja di tempat umum tanpa terlalu mencurigakan. Kegiatan merekam dan kemudian disimpan dalam memory card tidaklah hal yang rumit. Penyebarannya lebih mudah lagi. Transfer data yang didukung oleh kemudahan teknologi, dinikmati oleh sebagian besar pemilik HP.
Penikmatnya juga tidak sedikit. "Gue sih seneng-seneng aja kalau punya file seperti itu. Apalagi gratisan," ujar Agus, seorang pekerja swasta. Kepemilikan peranti tersebut tentu legal. Tapi yang menjadi masalah adalah ketika teknologi tersebut berubah menjadi teror yang mengganggu aktivitas normal. Sementara mekanisme hukum terlalu jauh di belakang kemajuan t! eknologi! yang membuka ruang bagi intimidasi.
Kalau modus kamera tersembunyi di toilet umum atau kamar ganti bisa sedikit diakali. Sikap hati-hati dan waspada akan semua titik-titik mencurigakan sebelum menggunakan ruang publik tersebut. Namun, keberadaan HP tembus pandang tidak seperti kamera tersembunyi HP ini tidak terlihat mencolok karena modifikasinya tidak akan menghasilkan perbedaan yang kentara secara fisik. Artinya, kolam renang umum bukan lagi tempat yang menyenangkan untuk berolahraga atau berekreasi melepas kepenatan.
Teknologi memang ibarat pisau bermata dua. Kegunaannya dapat menguntungkan sekaligus mengganggu orang lain Tapi, saat pemanfaatannya merugikan sebagian orang, akan ada reaksi yang muncul. "Bagaimanapun, yang menjadi mekanisme kontrol adalah masyarakat," ujar Onno. Dengan luasnya informasi yang sampai ke masyarakat, bukannya tidak mungkin akan timbul reaksi.
Perusahaan raksasa asal Jepang, Sonny, akhirnya menghentikan ! produksi handycam x-ray dan menarik kembali produk yang sudah dilepas di pasaran. Kebutuhan akan nama baik sebuah perusahaan besar membuat Sonny mengambil langkah yang merugi jika dilihat dari sisi ekonomi sebuah produksi.
7 Bintang Film Porno Terkaya di Dunia

Houston temasuk salah satu artis porno yang terkenal. Nama Houston melejit pada tahun 1999 saat memainkan peran utama di flim Gangbang "The 3 : Houston 620". Dia film itu dia melakukan adegan seks dengan 620 orang, non-stop. Karirnya dimulai sejak tahun 1995, bekerja sebagai penari telanjang di Tropicana. Penghasilan Houston mencapai lebih dari $ 1 juta pertahun.

Bom Sex berambut pirang ini mengklaim telah bercinta dengan lesbian sejak usia 11 tahun. Dalam Industri film porno, Hillary Scott banyak meraih penghargaan, di antarannya bintang 'Oral Sex Scene Terbaik' (2006), 'Best Group Sex Scene' (2007), dan 'Orgamsic Oralist' (2006). Hillary mendapatkan kontrak eklusif bernilai jutaan dolar dengan SexZ Pictures, dan ini adalah kontrak bintang porno terbesar dalam sejarah, penghasilan Hillary Scott $ 2 juta pertahun.

Maria, alias Rika Inoue, bintang porno asal jepang ini adalah bintang yang paling terkenal dengan bayaran tertinggi di Jepang. Penghasilannya mencapai $ 2,6 juta setahun. Maria mendapatkan penghargaan untuk 'Konversasi Terbaik' pada tahun 2003. Ya, itu merupakan penghargaan resmi bintang porno Jepang.

Ron Jeremy adalah bintang porno pria dengan bayaran termahal yang kekayaannya mencapai $ 7.000.000. Ron Jeremy adalah satu-satunya bintang Pria yang masuk dalam daftar 7 bintang porno terkaya di dunia.

Karir eksplisit Jesse Jane dimulai membintangi Underrated 'No Limits'. Dari film itu dia mendapatkan banyak penghargaan. Pengagum berat grup band Slipknot ini mendapatkan bayaran termahal saat menjadi bintang utama dari 'Pussy Patroli' dalam serial hit Entourage. Jesse Jane Memiliki kekayaan senilai lebih dari $ 8 juta.

Bintang Porno ini menempati posisi kedua. Mantan suster cantik ini memiliki Production House porno Teravision, Penghasilan Perusahaannya bernilai $ 30 juta, meskipun hanya menghasilkan 15 judul film dalam setahun.

Jenna Jameson telah membintangi lebih dari 140 film porno, dia juga memiliki Production House Film Porno dan sebuah Club Porno. pendapatannya mencapai $ 32 juta per tahun.
F-16C Fighting Falcon 1680 x 1050 Widescreen Wallpaper

Another stunning shot with great lighting and subject. The F-16 is one of the best looking planes ever.
The picture was cropped to 1680 with levels, contrast, saturation, and sharpness adjusted.
Megan Fox's Marilyn Monroe Tattoo Is Disappearing
t appears that Megan Fox has had a falling out with her Marilyn Monroe tattoo. Something Marilyn said?
Megan's large tattoo of the gorgeous Hollywood icon on her right forearm is noticeably faded (at right), compared with an earlier image of the blue-eyed babe (at left). We've heard of tattoo regretsbefore but removals are usually reserved for ex-lovers, misspelled words and dessert treats on a person's face. Obviously Fox's removal is not yet complete but she's received at least the first of a series of laser treatments. That gives her a little bit of time to think of a replacement.
We hereby nominate Michael Bay.
Kate Hudson 'doesn't feel prepared' for the birth of her second child
The 32-year-old actress ' who has a seven-year-old son Ryder from her marriage to ex-husband Chris Robinson - is expecting a baby with her fiance Matt Bellamy and is amazed she is already nearing the end of her pregnancy.
She said: "Were getting close ' weeks. Getting close enough to almost not be able to fly. I don't feel prepared. I can't believe how fast it's gone."
Kate and Matt have been dating for a year and she was amazed at how quickly she fell for him because she was enjoying her life as a single woman before she met the musician.
She told TV talk show host David Letterman: "I was so excited to be single.
"And of course that's when you meet this amazing love. There he is - 'I love you'. Next thing you know, you're knocked up!"
Kate ' who only revealed yesterday (27.04.11) she had got engaged to the Muse frontman last week ' feels "lucky" to have someone like Matt as her lover.
She said: "He's a lovely, lovely man, English boy, a musician, and he's wonderful. I feel very lucky."
As the due date approaches, Kate still thinks she is expecting a baby girl, and joked she expects the new arrival to be "wild", following in the footsteps of the other women in her family, including her mother Goldie Hawn.
She said: "It means what's inside of me is wild."
She said: "Were getting close ' weeks. Getting close enough to almost not be able to fly. I don't feel prepared. I can't believe how fast it's gone."
Kate and Matt have been dating for a year and she was amazed at how quickly she fell for him because she was enjoying her life as a single woman before she met the musician.
She told TV talk show host David Letterman: "I was so excited to be single.
"And of course that's when you meet this amazing love. There he is - 'I love you'. Next thing you know, you're knocked up!"
Kate ' who only revealed yesterday (27.04.11) she had got engaged to the Muse frontman last week ' feels "lucky" to have someone like Matt as her lover.
She said: "He's a lovely, lovely man, English boy, a musician, and he's wonderful. I feel very lucky."
As the due date approaches, Kate still thinks she is expecting a baby girl, and joked she expects the new arrival to be "wild", following in the footsteps of the other women in her family, including her mother Goldie Hawn.
She said: "It means what's inside of me is wild."
Jessica Simpson is trying to get in shape in time for her wedding
The singer-and-actress - who is engaged to former NFL player Eric Johnson - has revealed that she has set a date for the big day and is exercising to make sure she looks her best when she walks down the aisle.
She said: "I have a date - I'm really excited!"
"I am going to dance around my bedroom and hopefully lose some weight - and lift some weights and do what I can!"
However, the 30-year-old blonde refuses to follow restrictive diets or spend hours in the gym, preferring to tone up in a way that's less demanding.
She explained: "I just have to work out on my own. There is no regimen I need to follow. There's no diet I need to follow. I just need to do some things for myself and that's it. And that will make me feel the happiest."
Jessica is also thinking about what dress she will wear and can't make up her mind which one to choose.
The beauty told Us Weekly magazine: "I'm still trying to figure out what to wear! I don't know if I want the big boom, or the curvy thing, but it will be something beautiful."
Whatever she chooses is likely to be revealing, with the 'Dukes of Hazzard' star recently saying she wants to show off her assets.
Using the French term for neckline, she said: "I have a long neck, so I like to show off my decolletage."
She said: "I have a date - I'm really excited!"
"I am going to dance around my bedroom and hopefully lose some weight - and lift some weights and do what I can!"
However, the 30-year-old blonde refuses to follow restrictive diets or spend hours in the gym, preferring to tone up in a way that's less demanding.
She explained: "I just have to work out on my own. There is no regimen I need to follow. There's no diet I need to follow. I just need to do some things for myself and that's it. And that will make me feel the happiest."
Jessica is also thinking about what dress she will wear and can't make up her mind which one to choose.
The beauty told Us Weekly magazine: "I'm still trying to figure out what to wear! I don't know if I want the big boom, or the curvy thing, but it will be something beautiful."
Whatever she chooses is likely to be revealing, with the 'Dukes of Hazzard' star recently saying she wants to show off her assets.
Using the French term for neckline, she said: "I have a long neck, so I like to show off my decolletage."
The Royal Wedding News: Prince Williams & Kate Middleton Latest Exclusive Pics,Photos
After all Prince Williams and Kate Middleton are with new real life goes to run and there new relation are to happy by the wedding in The Royal Wedding place. Approximately British 2 million people are live and exclusive watching there new couple weeding ceremony's. That is great history in the world and no 1 history in British. Cannot imagine The Royal Wedding suddenly have to all 100% done and no quarrel, no problem to face up Prince and Kate weddings. Very effective and difficult wedding ceremony organise in the held of The Royal Wedding grand place. There are attends and presents political, British actress, Hollywood actress, actors, British actors, Journalist, Photographer and World most famous and popular people are enjoyed of historical weddings. Prince Williams are came there British nations flag dress and Kate Middleton come most gorgeous as usual white wedding dress. There couple looked very cute and hot and so beautiful. Normally, we are cannot see Kate in white dress and Prince in British national flag dress. We had to forward there unknown dress to after those weddings.
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Latest prince Williams and Kate Middleton wedding ceremony exclusive picture, Prince in The Royal Wedding, Kate in Royal wedding, Prince Williams and Kate Middleton wedding ceremony latest news.
Body Paintings od Celebs and sexy Models
Heidi Klum in a body paint swimsuitGorgeous Heidi Klum in an artistic body paint swimsuit.
Jessica White Body Paint
Jessica White goes nude for a body paint photo shot with Sports Illustrated Swimsuit.
Irina Shayk Body Paint
Irina Shayk goes nude for a body paint session photo for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit.
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Madhu Shalini New Fashion Looks Latest Hot Stills Pics,Photos
Madhu Shalini get hot ready in her upcoming Telugu movie, She get up on the eyes lens and ready to her face in show new fashions looks spicy cute stills. Her beautiful eyes lens and her thunder thighs leg showing says about her, what a nice and gorgeous looking upcoming movie actress. Yes, Madhu Shalini signing up new Telugu movies. But this is now unknown whilst director says that, a muharrat organisation to held Madhu Shalini new movie to say in public and news.
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Madhu Shalini just waiting her upcoming new Telugu movies. Madhu Shalini latest fashion looks, Telugu actress new fashion looks, Madhu Shalini hot stills, Madhu Shalini latest pics, Madhu Shalini latest photos, Madhu Shalini upcoming new movies.
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