For some reason I feel we have been talking a lot about young Hollywood lately here on the blog, and although they usually are the group with the most interesting drama I thought a change of pace would be nice. By that I mean the women in Hollywood who are over forty and fabulous. I know that in this category there are a lot of women who go WAY overboard with the plastic surgery and injectables, but there quite a few who get it VERY right. Two women that always stick out in my head are Vanessa Williams and Courteney Cox Arquette. Both women have used plastic surgery in ways that have aided their graceful aging.
Songstress Vanessa Williams has been very open in the past about undergoing breast augmentation early in her pageant career. It is rumored that the star has also had a possible cosmetic rhinoplasty....again very early on. Both procedures were done very conservatively and fit Ms. Williams body frame and just accentuate her natural beauty....which is the point right? Lately, I have noticed how smooth and wrinkle free her face looks. Her skin is always stunning and she is 46...which by Hollywood standards might as well be 85! Anyway, I think she is a perfect example of someone who uses Botox and other injectables the way they were designed. Based on the overall evenness and lack of wrinkles points to Botox as a dead giveaway, but she still maintains full facial animation. She never has that weird "frozen" or "deer in the headlights" look to her face.
ABC's favorite Cougar Courteney Cox Arquette, who is also 46, is another actress in this category. Courteney became one of Americas sweethearts in the 90's when NBC's Friends was one of the top sitcoms on TV. Over the years Ms. Cox Arquette has attacked aging head on. She is very vocal on the importance of skin care and protecting yourself from the harmful UVA/UVB rays. She also stays very active by doing yoga and pilates....which you can tell by her slammin' body...seriously...she is always in some revealing get up on the show CougarTown. Like Vanessa, she also has gorgeous smooth and even skin. It is rumored that in addition to Botox and dermal fillers she has had a partial face and brow lift. I think that she just looks amazing. Everything she has had done has been in stages and very conservative....almost undetected. It is only when looking at photographs in succession over the years that you can see the possible slight alterations.
When you take the time to do your research and go to a reputable board certified plastic surgeon, age doesn't have to be the enemy. There are so many procedures that can be done in a conservative manner to benefit the aging process and help you look your best throughout every stage of your life. Of course all of these procedures are elective, but as women we want to look and feel our best, and I for one will take all the help I can get! :)
Happy Friday!!
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